Become the Best Pontoon Captain on the Water TODAY FOR ONLY $97 ($247) 


Become the Best Pontoon Captain on the Water TODAY FOR $97 ($247) 


"They Laughed When I Pulled Up To The Busy Dock... But Everyone Bought ME Drinks After I Slid In A Tight Slip Other Boaters Passed Up!"

(After The Best Pontoon Captain on the Water Training, You'll Do the Same... No More Swearing, Scratches On the Boat or Avoiding Places You'd Like to Go Because You're Just Not Confident You Can Handle It.)

Avoid the Stress, Swearing and Frustration and Gain Total Control of Your Pontoon or Tri-Toon TODAY!

(Backed by Capt. Matt's Personal Happy Boater 100% Money Back Guarantee!)

Here is What You Get in The Best Pontoon Captain on the Water Program:

This is an on-demand video training program which means you can access all 25 video modules from your computer, tablet or even smart phone, 24/7/365!

If you can watch and hear the videos on this page, you can access everything in this on-demand video training program.

And, because you'll access the 5-modules (outlined below) via our Member Only Website or Mobile (if you want to take on the boat with you) you and your entire family can watch all of the trainings together or individually.

Wouldn't it be great to have multiple people in the family that can operate the boat and help out while on the water?

So, here are the modules with details of what you get when you invest in a less stressful boating lifestyle.

In this course you'll learn:


Building Blocks

Go from ‘never ran a boat’ to having ‘total control’ of your pontoon or tri-toon within 90 minutes with our simple 9 ‘Building Blocks’ system.


Mastering Docking Skills

Avoid the nerves and stress of docking… instead, become a docking master (tight slips, side docks, even backing in), including how to secure your boat the easy & safe way.


Properly Navigate Your Vessel

Discover the practical and safe way to run your pontoon in open and rough water, making your day on the water fun and stress free.


Practical Boater Safety Modules

Capt. Matt also cover the practical boating safety rules and guidelines to ensure you, your family, your guests and your fellow boaters have a great boating day that you pictured when you bought your boat.

9- Building Blocks Modules

In this section, Capt. Matt walks you from the proper way to start your boat to understanding your throttle all the way to total mastery of controlling your boat in all situations.

One new boater said that Building Block #8 was a game changer and he'd been out on his boat for a full season when he finally took part in the training.

The systematic way Capt. Matt demonstrates how your boat operates will open your eyes to concepts other even experienced boaters don't realize. Although they are very simple, these building blocks will puts control of your boat at your finger tips.

Each building block is delivered in a video (showing 4 camera angles) including the steering wheel and throttle control so you can see exactly what is going on and how the boat is responding. 

Then, Capt. Matt explains the why and more importantly walks you thru doing it on your own to actually practice on your boat... just like he does with his in-person clients that invest hundreds of dollars to work with him.

Not only can you watch these video lessons on your computer or tablet or smart phone, you can take them with you on your boat so Capt. Matt is sitting next to you as you progress thru the building blocks.

Docking Mastery Modules

With the building blocks boosting your skills in a mater of an hour or two, it's time to begin mastering all of the docking solutions you'll come across on the water.

In these 10 video, Capt. Matt will walk you step by step thru each scenario as you watch his controls, steering wheel, front and rear view so you can follow become a 'Docking Master!'

  • The Fundamental Rules of Docking
  • Mastering Docking on a Side Dock
  • Mastering Docking in a Slip Forward
  • Mastering Leaving a Slip
  • Mastering Backing Into a Slip
  • Backing Into Slip with Pilings
  • Mastering a Docking Situation Other Boaters Wouldn't Dare Attempt
  • Departing Tight Docking Situation
  • Securing Your Boat at the Dock
  • Handling Dock Lines

Imagine having the confidence to pull up to any docking situation, knowing you have everything 100% under control. Then, slipping your boat into the spot, getting tied up and on your way without ever breaking a sweet... while other look on in envy!

3 Knots Every Boater Should Know

Do you know the 3 knots every boater needs to know?

If not, the good news is Capt. Matt will have you tying them within a few minutes so next time on the water you can use the simple and easy knots.

What makes a good knot is its easy to tie AND easy to un-tie.

These simple knots will get you thru every situation you'll encounter... Not only are they easy to learn, they are fast. And, are super easy to untie or release.

No need for a Eagle Scout badge either... they are so easy my 7 year old can tie them.

How to Operate in Open-Water Modules

Its easy to operate a boat in open water right?

Sure, but its a little harder to do it safely, courteously and without damaging the boat.

In this module, Capt. Matt jumps in the boat with you to demonstrate various boating situations you'll encounter on the water.

  • The Most Common Mistakes Made in Open Water and How to Avoid It
  • How to Approach No Wake Zones
  • Etiquette for Small Craft, PWC's and Kayak/Stand Up Paddleboards
  • Why Slowing Down is Often the Rudest Thing You Can Do on the Water
  • How to Read the Water to Avoid Damage to Your Boat
  • How to Handle Rough Water and Make Comfortable for Your Guests
  • The Biggest Mistake First-Time Boat Operators Make and What to Do Instead

Giving your family and guest the most comfortable and smooth ride will make your boating day more fun, more relaxing and you can avoid the costly damage that can happen.

Practical Boater Safety Modules

Although this program is focused on how to handle your boat with easy, Capt. Matt also cover the practical boating safety rules and guidelines to ensure you, your family, your guests and your fellow boaters have a great boating day that you pictured when you bought your boat.

Bringing family, friends and guests out on your boat can really increase the level of enjoyment for many boaters, however their lack of boating experience can sometimes cause problems.

Because of his experience operating boats with hundreds of non-boaters over the years, Capt. Matt has developed a pre-departure framework that makes it easy to ensure everyone has a great day on the water.

You'll learn more in these 2 short modules that will improve your boating fun and safety than most safe boating courses teach in a boring 8-hour class.

Why is it So Hard to Control Your Boat?

With millions of boats on the water, you may be surprised to learn that over 57% don't have the skills to totally control their boat when docking, in wind and current or even understand the basics of boat handling.

That's because unless you want to spend several hundred dollars to hire a licensed captain (and find one that actually knows how to teach the building blocks of boat handling skills), you'll have to learn by trial and scar-error while on the boat with your family and friends.

With this approach, no wonder you're frustrated and stressed taking the boat out!

No One Has Revealed to You the 3 Keys to Total Control

Have you ever watched someone that is amazing at handling a boat?

They aren't much different from you, they just know the 3-keys to having total control of their boat.

Keys that anyone can quickly learn (with the right instruction), even if you've never been behind the wheel of a boat before in your life.

Your Boat Handles the Exact Opposite of Your Car 

Think about how simple it is to pull into a parking place at the grocery store.

What if docking your boat or pontoon was just that easy at a busy boat dock?

The good news, when you discover the difference between driving your boat and your car, you're half-way to docking mastery.

You Haven't Discovered How to Adjust to Wind & Current... Yet

Imagine you're pulling into the docks and a gust of wind blows you off course and now everything is a disaster.  

Your friends, family and kids standing at the ready to push off other boats, docks and other dangers. It can certainly ding and ego... and let's hope that's the only thing that gets dinged!    

Now imagine pulling right in - despite - the wind & currents!

Avoid the Stress, Swearing and Frustration and Gain Total Control of Your Pontoon TODAY!

(Backed by Capt. Matt's Personal Happy Boater 100% Money Back Guarantee!)

Thanks for the early Christmas present that is the gift of the info; like the say 'you don't know what you don't know' and I know more now!


Who Else Wants to Be the 'Best Pontoon Captain' on The Water?

What This Training Program is NOT:

This is not a dry boring typical boater education course that gives you no practical hands on boat operation skills.

  • Not a boating boating safety program that spends 2 hours talking about types of life-jackets and old-school navigation by the stars and headings.
  • No theories and academic non-sense that isn't practical for real world pleasure boating.
  • No lawyer and insurance scrubbed info that doesn't apply to the real boating world.
  • No fancy cinematography and expensive highly produced videos... just real practical info that will make you the best boat operator on the water.

What This Training Program IS:

Real world, how to actually have control and operate your boat in the situations you'll find yourself in while out on your boat.

  • How to truly have total control of your boat in any situation.
  • How to have more fun on the water with the skills you actually use when operating a boat or pontoon.
  • Gives you 40 years of boating experience in just a few short hours.
  • Having more fun with less stress and frustration so you can make more memories on the water with friends and families!

Here's a Preview of What You Actually Get

So, I spent more than 50 hours on the water on a pontoon, bow rider, center console and motor yacht with video cameras, mics AND even my family to bring you a real world training like you've never seen before.

The program is broken down into small bit sized videos, building blocks and real world situations where I talk you thru the most common situations you'll find yourself in... and what's going thru my head so you don't have to learn the hard way.

You get the exact proven system I've used to teach nearly 200 first-time boaters. And combined it ALL into a simple step-by-step system so you can watch it again and again (if needed) so you will have the knowledge, skills and confidence to handle your boat in ANY situation!!

You'll have access to these video lessons (that can be viewed on your phone while on your boat in the water) as you gain total control of your boat in any situation. At only $197 this is the cheapest investment you'll make in boating... and it gives you the skills you need to handle your boat with confidence, sky-rocketing your boating fun.

Avoid the Stress, Swearing and Frustration and Gain Total Control of Your Pontoon TODAY!

(Backed by Capt. Matt's Personal Happy Boater 100% Money Back Guarantee!)

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do I have access to the training material?

You’ll have access to the training program for a full year via your computer, smart phone or tablet.

Why should we listen to you?

Having trained over 100 first-time boaters and over 40 years of boating experience, there are few people more qualified to help you become a better boat operator.

His 9 Building Blocks and Docking Mastery Program are simple, step-by-step training programs that can make anyone ‘The Best Boat Captain on the Water’

Can I access the training while I’m on my boat?

Yes, you will only need access to wi-fi or data while on the water and Capt. Matt can be in the boat with you and you complete the 9-building blocks to becoming the best boat captain on the water.

Can’t we find this all on YouTube?

If you search, you certainly can find videos on how to operate your boat however, there is no resource available (besides hiring Capt. Matt or another qualified trainer) that will build your skills to master levels so quickly and in such a simple and step-by-step manner. 

The 9-building blocks and Docking Mastery modules are designed based on well over 100 one-on-one trainings with first time boaters. They are in plain English to take you from novice to expert without making you feel like you should know more.

What Do I get when I sign-up?

You get the 9-building blocks so you can have total control of your boat in every situation, especially around tight areas.

Plus, you get the Docking Mastery which walks you step by step thru the most common and the toughest docking situation you’ll come across.

And, most important, you’ll have the confidence to put your boat exactly where you want to put it even in the tightest and most difficult conditions.

My boating area is different?

Of course each region has its own boating style and requirements however there are certain things every boater need to know and skills every boater need to possess.

 This program gives you those skills and that knowledge in a simple to grasp way to save you time, heart ache, scratches and dings on your boat.

Plus, you can choose the program that best fits your needs:

  • The Best Pontoon Captain on the Water
  • The Best Boat Captain on the Water (Single Engine V-Hull)

How long do I have to wait before I get everything?

This is an on-demand program.

Once you buy the Best Captain on the Water training, you can be boosting your boat handling skills within minutes.

What technology do I need to access everything?

If you can view this website and watch the videos here, you have everything you’ll need.

Plus, if you have a smart phone and data plan, you can even watch the videos on the boat so I’m right next to you as you’re skills and confidence are skyrocketing.

What if I’ve been boating for several years?

If you’ve been boating for several years and have total control of your boat in every situation, this program is not for you.

However, if you don’t have 100% confidence in operating your boat and would like to, you’ll be blown away with how quickly your skills build and your confidence soar.

Is there a guarantee?

Absolutely, that’s why Capt. Matt has his 'Personal Happy Boater 100% Money Back Guarantee'.

He wants to ensure you are blown away with his training program like so many others have been. If you are not thrilled for any reason, just let us know and we’ll provide a fast and friendly refund within 8 business hours.

No hassles, no hoops to jump through.

What if I boat on a trailer?

If you are a trailer boater, like Capt. Matt was growing up and many of the clients he’s trained, you’ll want to take advantage of the Trailer Like a Pro program ($50) that you can easily add before checkout.

Why is this program only $97?

This program was developed because every time I'm out on the water, I watch boaters struggle.

Struggle with docking.
Struggle with the wind.
Struggle at the boat ramp.

Every time I saw the struggle, the frustration, the swearing, the yelling at the kids, the wife, the husband, other boaters...

I said to myself... "If they just did X, Y or Z, it would be so much easier." When I offered help, sometimes it was accepted with a warm 'Thank You'. Other times, it was a dirty look like, who are you to tell us how to do this.

It wasn't me, they were frustrated, angry and often embarrassed and the timing of my offer to help was the problem.

So, I created the first version of this program and got some pretty amazing comments from new boaters that were very appreciative. They told me I could easily charge several hundred dollars for this and tons of people would jump on it AND be thrilled with the value.

However, I want as many people to take advantage of this training as possible because I know how much more fun they COULD BE having on their boats.

I know how much less stress, less frustration, less embracement, less anger, less yelling - AND THERE WOULD BE NO NEED for the t-Shirt that says "Sorry for What I Said When Docking the Boat!"

So, I decided to make this training program one of the cheapest boating items you could buy this year that would deliver the biggest impact on your boating enjoyment. And, fifty bucks would cover my current costs and seemed to be enough that when you buy it, you'll actually pay attention and watch the program... yet low enough, no one would say, "that's too expensive."

Heck, $200 bucks won’t even cover half your repair bill when you ding up your boat because you hit something at the dock.

* Now, because of the increasing costs associated with the website, members only area, email systems, technology, payment processing, tech support, customer service and getting the word out to every boater in the US and Canada, it is likely the price will go up in the future. I’ll do my best to keep the investment reasonable but as the cost of doing business increases, so will the price of the program.

Avoid the Stress, Swearing and Frustration and Gain Total Control of Your Pontoon TODAY!

(Backed by Capt. Matt's Personal Happy Boater 100% Money Back Guarantee!)

What Do Other Boater's Like You Have to Say

"I learned the money move"

Rod Johnson

First-Time Boat Owner
Raleigh, NC

"I Owe It To Capt. Matt!"

James Mannen

First-Time Boat Owner Kentucky Lake in Tennessee

"Absolute Must For New Boaters"

Jim Neimann

First-Time Boat Owner Crystal Lake in Michigan


"Hey Captain Matt! Your video series is outstanding! Your spring line technique was especially useful.. it helped us get out of a tight parallel parking situation between two expensive cigarette boats when a large regional poker run showed up at the bar!"

Chris Savoy
First-Time Boat Owner

Thanks Capt. Matt!

"I must admit that all these docking lessons definitely helped out on Memorial Day while I was docking my brand new Avalon. I have learned so much from these videos! Thanks so much Capt. Matt!"

Anthony D.
First-Time Pontoon Owner


Hey, Matt- I tried it again this morning with success. Tried docking into my slip yesterday after watching the video and NAILED it.

Dane H.
First-Time Boat Owner

Finally Got Control!

"After years of driving the boat on and off with my Dad when we used my Grandpa's center console at the coast, I finally got control of the boat. The building blocks made it simple to understand and use when I was behind the wheel. Thanks for the training!"

Colter Nichols
First-Time Solo Boat Operator

Captain Matt's Personal Happy Boater 100% Money Back Guarantee

(Sorry for the picture with my shirt off. My wife, Sarah told me not to use it BUT I don't have any pictures with a shirt on while I'm on the boat with my girls.)

You likely never considered investing in an on-demand boat operator training when you woke up this morning but you saw a post on FaceBook, stumbled on a YouTube video or a boating friend passed a link along because they know how amazing this program is.

Maybe you've never even heard of Capt. Matt or maybe, you're not one of the 300,000 monthly viewers watching the over 200 videos on his Boat Buyer's Secret Weapon YouTube Channels. Maybe you've never even invested in a valuable training like this online before.

That's why I want to remove any reason you may miss out on this incredible training.  

Based on my experience and the feedback of others that have gone thru the training (see above), I am 100% certain your boating skills will improve dramatically and so will your confidence and level of enjoyment on your boat when you invest in this program.  

That's why I've decided to give you my "Personal Happy Boater 100% Money Back Guarantee!"

See, I'm a real boater with boating kids and a boating wife and I want you to love your boat as much as we do... and if you're not 100% confident in handling your boat, this program will fix it. So, I take all the risk!

Avoid the Stress, Swearing and Frustration and Gain Total Control of Your Pontoon TODAY!

(Backed by Capt. Matt's Personal Happy Boater 100% Money Back Guarantee!)

About Captain Matt

Captain Matt because a boater at age 5, when his parents bought a used 16’ Larson tri-hull with an 85HP Mercury 2-stroke. See the picture of Matt (red life vest) and his brother Steve on the family's first of many boats.

From that day forward he and his family were boaters.

During his 10+ year career in the boating industry as a pleasure boat specialist and consumer advocate with his Boat Buyer’s Secret Weapon YouTube Channel (with nearly 20,000 subscribers and over 3,000,000 views a year) he has operated over 500 boats from pontoons, tri-toons, bow riders, deck boats, aluminum fishing boats, skiffs, center consoles, jet boats, cruisers and sport yachts.

In addition, he has trained nearly 200 first-time boaters on pontoons, bow riders, cruisers, jet boats, single engines and twins so they could operate their boat safely, efficiently and confidently without all stress and heart-ache most other experience.

Many have happily paid over $100/hour to do private trainings which typically last 4 hours.

Realizing that few new boaters get that level of training before hitting the water, Capt. Matt decided to put his proven training system into an easy to digest video format to help even more boat owners avoid the stress, frustration, cussing and dings that come from not having total control of their boat around the dock and other common boating situations.

You can find Capt. Matt on the water with his 2 daughters and wife on the lakes in the Carolinas, with his in-laws boating on Lake Loudoun near Knoxville, Tennessee or with his parents, brother and sister, nieces and nephews at the family lake place on the Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri. 

And, if there is a boat show, marina or chance to be on the water, he is likely nearby.

Why Capt. Matt created this program

Boating is part of him and he wishes more than anything that you develop the proper boat handling skills because boating will provide some amazing memories for you and your family as well and the better you can run your boat, the better those memories will be!

Avoid the Stress, Swearing and Frustration and Gain Total Control of Your Pontoon TODAY!

(Backed by Capt. Matt's Personal Happy Boater 100% Money Back Guarantee!)

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