Discover How To Avoid The Stress, Frustration And Yelling When Docking And Tying Up Your Boat With The Best Boat Captain On The Water Program!




In this video, Captain Matt discusses proper etiquette for boaters when navigating a marina. Captain Matt shares five key points that all boaters should keep in mind.

First, when fueling up at the dock, it is important to be quick and move your boat out of the way to allow others to access the limited space. Additionally, it is important to obey no-wake zones, both inside and outside the marina, to avoid disrupting other boaters and potentially receiving a costly ticket.

Second, boaters should keep the dockways clear and organized to prevent hazards and show respect for others.

Third, when pulling into a dock, it is best to back in, particularly if you have a bow pulpit or other obstructions. This makes boarding and debarking the boat much easier and allows for more space on the walkway.

Fourth, boaters should keep the marina clean by disposing of their trash properly and even going the extra mile to pick up after those who may not follow the etiquette.

Finally, it is important to be respectful of other boaters and their property, as well as the culture and noise level of the marina. By following these guidelines, boaters can navigate a marina safely and courteously.